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Tea School 

         TEA SCHOOL           
Tea is the Teacher – Let Tea Drink You, Savor You, and Sit With You


                        SACRED CHA DAO – THE WAY OF TEA


Tea is a gateway to inner growth, healing, and the subtle mysteries of existence. Tea is a gift from nature to help us learn the flow of nature and the language of life. It is a medicine of the Divine Harmonic and therefore a doorway to alignment with the Tao. In this school we teach the understanding of tea as a vibrational medicine for self cultivation, health and plant medicine. Tea is a plant that helps humans have a visceral experience of both their humanity and their divinity and how to move through this life embracing both as sacred.


In this school you will learn both the classical internal and external arts of Chinese tea. You will learn the profound art form of making tea, how to serve it and how to use it in a way that will teach you endlessly about your self and the world we inhabit. We also offer advanced deeper study into the energetic and healing qualities of tea, tea as sacred medicine, tea as plant spirit medicine and tea as a tool for self cultivation to serve your creative growth.  The aim of our classes is to give people the tools to make tea their own living art.

Next Tea School Dates Below

Next Classes





Tea School -Wednesdays 10am, $45​

Classes at Heavens Tea at the Tortoise Temple House. 

Contact Po at teamonkpo@gmail or on IG at teadrunkpo. Cheers.



1. Tea and Tao Class.  Friday the 8th. 930-11 am. An Exploration of tea through the principles of the Tao. This class will give you a deep practical framework within which to understand the energies in teas and the tao. Class will include rare chinese aged teas and short periods of meditation. $50


2. Drinking Poetry- A Rare Tea Journey.  Friday 15th, 930-11am. Each month we host a rare tea journey and bring out some of our rarer older teas which have powerful healing Qi.  This month we will drink a 1970s puer and some 30 year old oolong as well as other treats. These sessions are deep journeys and quite transformational. The session will include meditation and discussion of using tea for cultivation. $100.


3. Illuminating Inner Beauty- A Solstice Tea Journey and Celebration.  Thursday the 21st 930-1130am.  We will have a ritual tea journey to embrace and celebrate the return of the light. We will have rare teas, chocolate. read poetry, meditate, laugh and move where the energy wants to go.... Limited to 11 people, $65 each, payed up front to hold your seat. Message to set up reservation.

Wednesdays at 10am- Regular weekly tea school class. $45.









To attend, send an email to confirm.

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